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Honda Funny Had One Never Drie Again


The Fast and the Furious (2001) Poster

Dom: I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free.

Mia: Letty grew up just down the street. She was into cars since she was like ten years old. Dom always had her attention. Then she turned sixteen...

Brian: And she had Dom's attention.

Mia: Yeah, it's funny how that works out.

Dom: You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your car... Granny shiftin' not double clutchin' like you should. You're lucky that hundred shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?

Extra: You Tell him Dominic. Get out of here

Dom: Now, me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block... and replace the piston rings you fried.

[closes bonnet of car]

Dom: Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning.

[Crowd cheers in agreement]

Edwin: It's not how you stand by your car, it's how you race your car.

[last lines]

Dom: [Brian hands over the key to the Supra] You know what you're doing?

Brian: I owe you a ten-second car.

Vince: Why don't you try Fat Burger from now on? You can get yourself a cheese and fries for 2.95, faggot!

Brian: I like the tuna here.

Vince: Bullshit asshole, no one likes the tuna here!

Brian: Yeah well I do.

[Brian comes into a restaurant]

Mia: Tuna on white. No crust, right?

Brian: I don't know. How is it?

Mia: Every day for the last three weeks you've been coming in here and you've been asking me how the tuna is. Now, it was crappy yesterday, it was crappy the day before and guess what? It hasn't changed.

Brian: I'll have the tuna.

Mia: No crust?

Brian: No crust.

Brian: So what's your best time?

Dom: I've never driven her...

Brian: Why not?

Dom: She scares the shit out of me.

Dom: Jesse, since you were the first to reach in and grab some chicken, why don't you say grace?

Jesse: [saying grace] Dear Heavenly... uh...

Leon: Spirit.

Jesse: Spirit. Thank you. Thank you for providing us with the direct-port nitrous... uh... injection, four-core intercoolers, an' ball-bearing turbos, and... um... titanium valve springs. Thank you.

Leon: Amen!

Dom: Very nice.

Letty: He was praying to the car gods.

Letty: I smell...

[sniffs air]

Letty: skanks. Why don't you girls just pack it up before I leave tread marks on your face?

Dom: [pointing to a picture] That's my dad. He was coming up in the pro-stock circuit. Last race of the season, he was coming into the final turn when a driver named Kenny Linder tapped his bumper and put him into the wall at a hundred and twenty miles an hour. I watched my father burn to death. I can still remember him screaming. The people who were there said my father died long before the tanks blew. They said it was me that was screaming.

Brian: You know, I was thinking we should go out sometime.

Mia: Oh, that's sweet, but I usually don't date my brother's friends.

Brian: Well, that sucks. I guess I'll have to kick his ass then.

Mia: I'd love to see that. Actually, I'd pay to see that.

Johnny Tran: [about Jesse who is driving away] Where's he going?

Dom: [sarcastic] He went to the car wash.

Johnny Tran: Whatever. Go fetch my car!

Dom: Go fetch your car? We're not on your block any more. You better watch who you talk to like that.

Johnny Tran: [as Dom walks away] TORETTO! TORETTO! SWAT came into my house, disrespected my whole family because somebody narc'd me out! And you know what? IT WAS YOU!

[Dom punches Tran and a brawl ensues]

Dom: I never narc'd on nobody! I never narc'd on nobody!

[Monica runs Edwin's hand over her breast before the race]

Monica: Feel that? This is yours, even if you lose. But if you win, you get her too.

[Edwin races and loses]

Edwin: Hey, hey, Monica!

Monica: What's your problem, nigga? You didn't win!

[Crowd disses Edwin]

Edwin: Fuck you, then!

Dom: [to Brian about Mia] You break her heart, I'll break your neck.

Dom: Let's go for a little ride.

Dom: This you're beer?

Vince: Yeah that's my beer... Yo Dom! Why'd you bring the busta here?

Dom: Because the busta kept me out of handcuffs, he didn't just run back to the fort, the buster brought me back

Dom: [looking at the junked Toyota Supra being hauled in] I said a ten-second car, not a ten-minute car.

Jesse: You could push this across the finish line, or tow it.

Dom: You couldn't even tow that across the finish line.

Brian: No faith.

Dom: I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard. This is a garage.

Dom: You can have any brew you want... as long as it's a Corona.

Dom: What did you put in that sandwich?

Vince: What is this guy sandwich crazy or something?

Leon: Nah. He ain't here for the food, V.

[Dominic breaks up a fight between Vince and Brian]

Dom: [checks Brian's wallet] Brian Earl Spilner. Sounds like a serial killer. Is that what you are? Don't come around here again.

Brian: Man, you know this is bullshit!

Dom: You work for Harry, right?

Brian: Yeah, I just started.

Dom: You were just fired.

Brian: Hey, wait, hold up! I don't have any cash, but I do have the pink slip to my car.

Jesse: Wait, you just can't climb in the ring with Ali 'cause you think you box!

Brian: [points to Vince] He knows I can box! So check it out, it's like this: If I lose, winner takes my car clean and clear. But if I win, I take the cash, and I take the respect!

Dom: [laughing] Respect?

Brian: To some people, that's more important.

Dom: ...That your car?

Dom: You drive like you've done this before. What are you, a wheelman?

Brian: No.

Dom: Boost cars?

Brian: No, never.

Dom: Do time?

Brian: Couple of overnighters. No big deal.

Dom: What about those two years you did in juvie for boosting cars? Tucson, right? I had Jesse run a little background check on you, Mr. Brian Earl Spilner. He can find anything on the web, anything about anyone. So, why bullshit?

Brian: So what about you?

Dom: Two years in Lompoc. I'll die before I go back.

Brian: [referring to the hostile Johnny Tran] What was the deal back there?

Dom: It's a long story.

Brian: We have a twenty mile hike. Humor me.

Dom: A business deal that went sour. Plus I made the mistake of sleeping with his sister.

Dom: I used to drag here back in high school. That railroad crossing up there is exactly a quarter-mile away from here. On green, I'm going for it.

Brian: I thought if I got in your good graces you might let me keep my car.

Dom: You are in my good graces, but you ain't keepin' your car.

Mia: You know, my brother likes you. Usually he doesn't like anybody.

Brian: Yeah, he's a complicated guy.

Brian: What's the retail on one of those?

Ferrari Driver: More than you can afford pal. Ferrari.

Dom: [turning to Brian] Smoke him.

Leon: Look who it is! Old Coyotes 'R' Us!

Brian: Mia, I'm a cop.

Mia: What are you talking about, Brian?

Brian: Ever since I met you, I've been undercover. I'm a cop.

Mia: Oh, you bastard. You bastard!

Letty: [to Dom] You look a bit tired... I think you should go upstairs and give me a massage.

Letty: You want a piece of ass, go to Hollywood Boulevard. You want an adrenaline rush that'll be two large.

Jesse: [about the Toyota Supra] You know what? This will decimate all, after, you put about fifteen grand in it or more. If we have to, overnight parts from Japan.

Brian: Hector is going to be running 3 Honda Civics with spoon engines. And on top of that he just came into Harry's and he ordered 3 T66 turbos, with NOS, and a Motec system exhaust.

Hector: Wait, hold up, hold up. Look at this snowman right here, man.

Hector: [walks over to Brian] Sweet ride! Whatcha runnin' under there, man?

Hector: [Brian grins] You're gonna make me find out the hard way?

Brian: Hell yeah!

Hector: You're brave! You're brave! They call me Hector. Gotta last name too, but I can't pronounce it

Brian: [shakes Hectors hand] Brian Spilner.

Hector: Typical white boy name, know what I mean?

Dom: [getting out of his ruined car] That's not what I had in mind.

Brian: Nice crib, sarge. It's a lot better than that last place you confiscated.

Sgt. Tanner: Eddie Fisher built it for Elizabeth Taylor back in the fifties.

Brian: See? Even the cops in Hollywood are Hollywood.

Dom: I saw Linder about a week later. I had the wrench in my hand... and I hit him! And I didn't mean to keep hitting him, but by the time I was done, I couldn't lift my arm. He's a janitor at an elementary school. He has to take the bus to work... and they banned me from the tracks for life.

Johnny Tran: I'll see you in the desert next month. Be ready to have your ass handed to you.

Dom: You're gonna need more than that crotch rocket.

Johnny Tran: I got something for you.

Dom: [to Jesse] Take it upstairs Einstien! You can't detail a car with the cover on. Can't even get that right.

Vince: He's got no call bein' up there, you don't know that fool for shit!

Leon: Yeah he's right, Dom.

Dom: Vince there was a time when I didn't know you!

Vince: That was in the third grade!

Dom: [Jesse checking out Brians' car] Not a bad way way to spend ten grand.

Jesse: These are the additions, this is the basic layout of the car, and this is what it could look like when it's done. Red, green, whatever.

Brian: Hey man, you should be going to MIT or something.

Jesse: No man, I got that attention disorder.

Brian: Oh, A.D.D.?

Jesse: Yes, that shit.

Mia: [Mia witnesses a fight going on between Vince and Brian and then goes over to Dom's office] Jesus Christ, Dom! Would you get out here please? I'm sick of this shit!

[Dom doesn't listen to her, and the fight continues]

Mia: I'm not kidding, Dom! Get out here!

Dom: [Dom watches the fight and is distracted] What'd you put on that sandwich?

Mia: [sarcastically] That's *really* funny!

Letty: DOM!

[Letty signals Dom to break up the fight]

Dom: Alright.

[he goes out of his office and tries to break up the fight between Brian and Vince]

Leon: Oh shit! We got cops, cops, cops, cops!

Johnny Tran: [interrogating Ted about his missing engines] What are feeling, Lance... 40 weight? 50 weight?

Lance Nguyen: 40 Weight sounds nice...

Brian: Hey, what's up, Jesse? What do you have in your hand?

Jesse: Throwing down the pinkslip just like you.

Brian: Pinkslip for what? The Jetta?

Jesse: Yeah.

Brian: You can't bet your dad's car.

Jesse: It's all right. I ain't losin'. This fool is running a Honda 2000. I'll win. Then me and my dad can roll together when he gets out of prison. It's all good.

Brian: Well, they're gonna throw him right back in prison after he kills you.

[after Johnny Tran is arrested]

Agent Bilkins: DVD players were purchased legally. All we've got on Tran and his boys are some low-rent weapons charges and some outstanding speeding tickets.

Sgt. Tanner: So, they're out.

Agent Bilkins: Father bailed them out. Is this the kind of intelligence I can except from you, O'Connor?

Brian: What, you're gonna pin this on me?

Agent Bilkins: Hey, I can pin this on whoever I want to. Perks of the job.

Sgt. Tanner: Are you going native on me, Brian?

Muse: I think the sister's clouding his judgement.

Brian: What was that?

Muse: Hey, I don't blame you. I get off on her surveillance photos too.

Dispatcher: [First line]

[On phone]

Dispatcher: Just packed up a real money load and it's comin' your way. Look for "Rodgers" on the side of the truck. Don't forget my share of the deal.

Rasta Racer: Come on, what you got? What you got?

Letty: [singsong] See ya!

[Letty presses the nitrous oxide, and zooms off]

Johnny Tran: A couple of Nissan SR20's would pull a premium one week before race wars.

Leon: [sitting on a chair with a girl in his lap, looks up and sees Dom walk in] Hey. Dom. We were just about to go look for you.

Vince: There were mass cops out there, that shit was orchestrated.

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